The Application Process
Technical Law Enforcement (TLE) positions are advertised via USAJOBS which is an automated staffing system. It is an online application process, requiring applicants to register or sign into USAJOBS and then follow the prompts for completing requested information and submitting required documents. The application process occurs through two phases.
TLE follows the same application path for Phase I, except the written exam. Phase II—all elements are the same for special agent, Uniformed Division officers and administrative, professional and technical positions.
PHASE I: Competency
Job Opportunity Announcements Posted on USAJOBS
Qualifications/Resume Review
APAT (Applicant Physical Abilities Test)
Conditional Job Offer
PHASE II: Security
Security Interview/Credit Checks
Polygraph Examination
Medical Examination/Psychological Examination
Background Investigation
Hiring Panel
We encourage applicants to apply for positions with the Secret Service electronically by submitting an application online. Positions may have unique application procedures. Therefore, applicants are encouraged to view current vacancy announcements and follow the specific application procedures outlined in the job opportunity announcement. The diagram above illustrates the job opportunity application process for new and returning USAJOBS users.
If you are unable to submit your application electronically, you may contact the Talent and Employee Acquisition Management Division at (202) 406-5271 or, for hearing impaired applicants, TTY (202) 406-5390, for assistance. Applicants must contact the Talent and Employee Acquisition Management Division prior to the closing date of the specific job opportunity announcement in order to receive assistance.