The Application Process
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We encourage applicants to apply for special agent positions with the Secret Service electronically by submitting an application online via USAJOBS. Positions may have unique application procedures. Therefore, applicants are encouraged to view current vacancy announcements and follow the specific application procedures outlined in the job opportunity announcement. The diagram below illustrates the job opportunity application process for new and returning USAJOBS users.
Applicants who are unable to submit their application electronically may contact the Talent and Employee Acquisition Management Division at (202) 406-5271. Hearing impaired applicants may call TTY (202) 406-5390 for assistance. Applicants must contact the Talent and Employee Acquisition Management Division prior to the closing date of the specific job opportunity announcement in order to receive assistance.

Entry-Level Hiring Process:
Phase I: Competency
Job opportunity announcements (JOAs) posted on USAJOBS
Qualifications/resume review
SAEE written examination
Applicant Physical Abilities Test
Hiring panel review
Conditional job offer

Phase II: Security
- Security interview/credit checks
Polygraph examination
Medical examination/physiological examination
Background investigation
The timeframe for completion of a background investigation varies depending on the history of the applicant. Typically, a full background investigation takes approximately six to nine months to complete. During this time, a wide range of information is verified. This includes employment history, police records, credit history, school transcripts, neighborhood references and military records.