Q: What is the Employee Benevolent Fund (EBF)?
A: The Employee Benevolent Fund (EBF) is a unique benefit fund that promptly provides a $17,500 or $35,000 death benefit to the designated beneficiary(ies) of a deceased EBF member within 24-48 hours.
Q: Who administers the EBF?
A: The Special Agents Mutual Benefit Association (SAMBA) administers the EBF. ReliaStar/Voya Life Insurance Company is the underwriter. Upon notification of an employee’s death, the U.S. Secret Service, Benefits and Payroll Division, Employee Benefits Branch, will notify SAMBA immediately so that payment can be made promptly to the designated beneficiary(ies). *Not to be confused with SABA (Special Agent Benefits Association) membership*
Q: When does the EBF open enrollment period begin and how long will it last?
A: Beginning May 1, 2023, through May 31, 2023, eligible Secret Service employees will be offered a 31-day open enrollment period to enroll in SAMBA’s EBF.
Q: Who is eligible to enroll in the EBF during this open enrollment period?
A: All full-time and part-time Secret Service employees occupying permanent positions who are actively at work [not on official leave or leave without pay (LWOP)] during the open enrollment period. After May 31 ,2023, eligible new employees may enroll within 60 days of their date of hire (entry on duty date).
Please Note: New enrollees who are on extended paid/unpaid leave such as annual leave, sick or LWOP must return to active duty or pay status to be covered and eligible for benefits. If a newly enrolled employee has not been in an active duty/pay status and dies prior to returning to active duty/pay status, they will not be entitled to collect the SAMBA benefit.
Q: Who is NOT eligible to enroll in the EBF during the open enrollment period?
- Secret Service employees on leave without pay for any purpose;
- Contractors
- Secret Service employees who are on an intermittent schedule OR time-limited appointment of less than 365 days (i.e. reemployed annuitants, students)
Q: Are new Secret Service employees eligible to enroll?
A: Yes, as long as the Secret Service employee is a full-time or part-time employee who is occupying a permanent position or who is occupying a time-limited appointment in excess of 365 days and is actively at work (not on official leave or LWOP) during the open enrollment period. Such employee may enroll within 60 days of their date of hire.
Q: If I am not eligible to enroll during the 31-day open enrollment period because I am not actively at work (either in military or on extended leave), can I join SAMBA when I return to work?
A: No. You must wait until the next open enrollment period. Typically, SAMBA offers open enrollment period every 2-3 years. Only new employees are eligible for enrollment outside of the open enrollment.
Q: What happens when an EBF member is no longer active on Secret Service rolls?
A: An existing EBF member who ceases being an active employee for any reason (e.g., resignation, retirement, removal, transfer to another non-participating agency, entry on duty with the military or National Guard, or LWOP for more than 365 days), will no longer be a member of SAMBA’s EBF.
Q: What happens if an EBF member is on LWOP (less than 365 days) with the Secret Service?
A: An existing EBF member who is carried on Secret Service rolls in a LWOP status (excluding military), such as under the Family and Medical Leave Act or if receiving Workers Compensation benefits, or for any other authorized official reason, shall continue as a member of the Fund as long as they contact SAMBA to make arrangements to pay the premium.
Q: What happens if an EBF member is on LWOP or resigns for military obligations?
A: Any existing EBF member who enters active military duty and is placed on LWOP or resigns from the Secret Service to perform active duty in the military will no longer be a member of the EBF. Employees who return to the Secret Service must re-enroll in the Fund within 60 days following their return to become a member of the Fund again.
Q: If I am an EBF member and called to serve my required 2-week active military duty training period, how does that affect my EBF membership?
A: While you are on active military training duty, your existing EBF membership is suspended. Upon your return to active employment, your membership will be re-instated. Please notify your HR Specialist and SAMBA of the dates you will be in training so there is no impact to your membership.
Q: Are benefits paid if an EBF member should die while serving on active duty in the military?
A: No.
Q: Are there any other exclusions or limitations that I should know before I sign up to be an EBF member?
A: Two other exclusions exist.
- In the event that the death of a fund member is by suicide, no payment shall be made unless the existing EBF member has been a fund member for a continuous period of two years or more prior to the date of death.
- If the named beneficiary is responsible for the EBF member’s death (other than by accidental means), no payment shall be made to him or her.
Q: What is the cost to be an EBF member?
A: The cost is one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per pay period for the $17,500 benefit OR three dollars ($3) per pay period for the $35,000 benefit.
Q: How do I sign up for coverage?
A: The application for the SAMBA Secret Service Employee Benevolent Fund is available for download here, listed as SAMBA - SSBF. Enrollments should be emailed directly to SAMBA via their secured email or faxed to (301) 816-0191.
Q: When will my EBF membership be effective?
A: The effective date will be the date the allotment deduction starts. SAMBA will send new enrollees and current enrollees increasing their benefit, a statement of coverage page indicating their coverage for $17,500 or $35,000 and the effective date of their enrollment.
Q: Will the EBF membership expire?
A: No, as long as the member meets all of the eligibility requirements and their allotment per pay period continues, the coverage will remain in effect. Your membership will terminate upon separation from the agency (i.e. retirement, transfer to another agency). However, if you are on LWOP or military leave, the circumstances will change. Please see above questions under the Eligibility and Retainment of Coverage section.
Q: Who will receive the one-time death payment of $17,500 or $35,000 if I should die?
A: During the enrollment process, you will be asked to designate both a primary beneficiary(ies) and contingent beneficiary(ies). The primary beneficiary(ies) MUST be at least 18 years of age or older. Minors, estates and trusts cannot be designated as the primary beneficiary(ies), but may be designated as contingent beneficiary(ies). Should the EBF member not be survived by his or her primary and contingent beneficiary(ies), payment shall be made in the following order: member’s spouse; member’s children in equal shares, member’s parents, member’s siblings, member’s estate.
Q: Why do I have to designate person(s) 18 years of age or older as a primary beneficiary for my EBF?
A: The EBF benefit option is designed to pay an immediate death payment within 24-48 hours of an agency’s death notification. When minor children and/or trusts are designated as primary beneficiaries, SAMBA cannot make immediate payments until certain requirements are fulfilled such as legal guardianship is established or there is settlement of the trust/estate.
Q: Can I change my beneficiary for the EBF anytime?
A: Yes, the enrollment form is available for download here, listed as SAMBA - SSBF. Check “Change of Beneficiary” on the top of the form and complete the necessary new information. Send the change of beneficiary(ies)to SAMBA.
Q: Can an EBF member cancel his or her enrollment?
A: Yes, however, any EBF member who elects to cancel his/her membership will not be eligible for re-enrollment until the next open enrollment period.
Q: How often will the Secret Service have open enrollment periods?
A: Open enrollment periods are coordinated between SAMBA and Secret Service and are usually NOT held more than once every two or more years.