The mission of the Hazardous Agent Mitigation & Medical Emergency Response (HAMMER) team is to provide hazardous agent mitigation, emergency medical intervention, and extrication capabilities to the protective mission. In close coordination with other United States Secret Service (Secret Service) tactical elements, protective details, and medical units, HAMMER can respond into a hazardous, toxic, or lethal environment to locate, extract, decontaminate, and provide life-saving medical interventions for Secret Service protectees. HAMMER personnel utilize cutting-edge monitoring technology to survey the immediate vicinity around the protectee for potential threats to include chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) contaminants.
Ideal Candidates:Candidates will provide U.S. military/law enforcement/public safety organization documentation for ONE of the SEVEN categories:
| Accelerated Career Track:

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Deaf and Hard of Hearing | EOE 202-406-5370
Hazardous Agent Mitigation and Medical Emergency Response Team | INTERESTED IN JOINING HAMMER? Email